The Rome Declaration - signed on June 10, 2019

The IV Ministerial Conference "5 + 5 Dialogue on Research, Innovation and Higher Education" at the Italian Minister for Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) took place in Rome on June 10, 2019 between the Ministers of the Western Mediterranean Forum (Dialogue 5 + 5): Algeria, France, Italy, Libya , Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia.
In the presence of the Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union, the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean and a delegation from the EU Commission, the Ministers agreed for strengthening collaboration, to promote sustainable economic growth, social inclusion and creating new opportunities for young people.
"The Mediterranean dimension is essential to Europe - said Minister Marco Bussetti, opening the proceedings -. Without a Mediterranean vocation, Europe does not exist: our destiny is at stake as Italians and Europeans ".
"The '10 dialogue' touched on various aspects of research and higher education - the Minister continued -. The main objective is the promotion of a responsible and sustainable economic growth that combines with social inclusion to generate widespread prosperity. Education and research are fundamental components of this process. International mobility, access to infrastructure, innovation, entrepreneurship and support for innovative start-ups are just some of the actions that the 5 + 5 Dialogue constantly promotes to support opportunities for our young people ".
At the end of the morning, the Ministers signed the Rome Declaration for Research, Innovation and Higher Education. The signing of the document concludes the two-year Italian presidency of the Forum. Since 2017, the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics - OGS has hosted, at its headquarters in Trieste, the Secretariat of the Dialogue and has represents Italy in the activities of the working groups. The upcoming leadership, for the next two years, passes to Mauritania.
For further details: MIUR Social (link)