Partnership in Scientific Research, Innovation and Higher Education to promote cooperation, social cohesion, youth employment and sustainable development in the Western Mediterranean Region
The 5+5 Dialogue countries agreed on the importance of research, innovation and higher education at regional and national levels for the development of knowledge, the promotion of technological innovation systems for the purpose of attaining socio-economic development and bearing the different challenges such as unemployment, economic underdevelopment, environmental degradation, shortage of natural resources and serious scarcity of water and energy.
Enhancing Research driven Spin-offs and Start-Ups - Research Connected to the Socio-Economic development
Lead Countries: Algeria, Spain and Tunisia
This new activity aims to understand and improve the role that spin-offs and start-ups may have in connecting the research to socio-economic development at national level. Spin-offs and start-ups are of key importance, as they offer young people (students or academics) an entrepreneurial route to commercializing the knowledge they have developed. Structured access to finance is crucial for these early-stage companies. The action is composed of three main areas of activities:
- Understand the regulation for the creation and support of spin-offs and start-ups
- Understand the funding instruments (both sides from the supply and the demand) going on at state level in the 5+5 Dialogue countries
- Identify hands-on experience on capacity building and training and carry it out with the involvement of the institutions.
The Internationalisation of the Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) in the 5+5 Dialogue Countries
Lead Countries: Tunisia and Spain
Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) is an innovative approach aimed at stimulating economic growth, jobs and awards regions to identify and develop their competitive advantages. Through its partnership approach - based on demand - Smart Specialization Strategy mobilises national and local authorities, academia, private sector and civil society to work together for the design and implementation of long-term specific strategies.
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Research Structure
Lead country: Portugal and Morocco
This action intends to strengthen and pursue the capacity of research structures from 5+5 Dialogue Countries, by creating a platform to stimulate the discussion of qualitative and innovative aspects on effective management and institutional capabilities. Initiatives within this Action will cover, amongst others:
- To create a digital platform of national structures responsible to promote the Framework Programme and other European programmes;
- To create within the platform thematic networks from research structures, based on the UfM Roadmaps for Research and Innovation;
- To share good practices and lessons learned from the experience of Research Structures with governmental institutions willing to develop such structures in the thematic areas of the UfM Roadmaps.