5 + 5 Dialogue - country flags

The Union for the Mediterranean organizes a two-day training on October 21st and 22nd, 2021. The course “Linking academic research to industry” aims to re-examine the interaction between academia and industry, focusing on the importance of the alliances and networking between the industry and higher education institutions and research centres.

The training, which is part of a series of activities organized by the UfM to address the unemployment of highly qualified graduates, will focus on the national example of Tunisia with the cooperation of the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) and with the support of GIZ, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ). Tunisian graduates, especially in scientific fields have increased dramatically, yet the industry still needs more confidence in the potential value added of these graduates. 

The initiative will bring together high-level speakers, including Dr. Mounir Ghribi, Director of International Cooperation at OGS, who will discuss this issue with respect to the sectors of the Sustainable Blue Economy.

The training will have two live online class sessions. The working languages will be English/French/Arabic (with live interpretation in French/Arabic/English).

Please find the draft agenda here: https://ufmsecretariat.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Draft-Agenda_Innov...

To register, click here: https://ufmsecretariat.org/registrationformin-emtrainingtunisia

The Workshop is jointly organized in virtual mode by the Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned & Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) and the Committee on Capacity Development of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) during 8-9 November 2021.
The objective of the virtual Workshop is to highlight the role of ocean science and technology in blue economic development. The Workshop will introduce current concepts in the blue economy, followed by a discussion of specific topics that include coastal marine resources of economic relevance, environmental threats that endanger blue economic goals, the importance of ocean observing systems and the need for capacity development. By illuminating the use and misuse of Science and Technology in blue economies, the Workshop aims to help establish the foundation of scientific knowledge and ocean observations to support sustainable ocean development. The Workshop will be open to ocean scientists, government officials, policy makers, and representatives from industry and nongovernment organizations from NAM and other developing countries, as well as developed countries.

To participate, please register here: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=nmzjwjyab&oeidk=a07...
Deadline: 25 October 2021

Please note that before the Workshop a detailed programme will be made available to participants, who will also receive the details about connection to the virtual platform that will be used.
For more information about the topics of the workshop, please find the concept note here: https://scor-int.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Workshop-Announcement-Bl...

The Advanced Master in Sustainable Blue Growth is jointly organized by the University of Trieste and the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS.

The Master will start in January 2022 and will be held in Trieste (or online, depending on the COVID-19 situation) in three sessions of 15 days each: March, June and September 2022.

Through a multidisciplinary approach, which brings together over 50 professors and speakers, the Master aims to increase the professional skills and the quality of research in the marine and maritime sectors. Students will learn about the sustainable blue economy from a new perspective, which includes the innovative topic of science diplomacy. The lectures will be enriched with hands-on workshops/seminars and some testimonial lectures from leading companies in the field of blue technology innovation. Postgraduate candidates with no restriction to age and citizenship are invited to apply. Please note that all Master classes are taught in English, therefore applicants need to pass an interview to prove that they are proficient with the language.

For further information about the eligibility criteria, please read the Master General Regulation.

Application Deadline: 7 October 2021 at 23.59 CET (Italian Time)

More information available on the website: http://bluegrowth.inogs.it/

The Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Investment Bank (EIB) will organise a High-Level EU-Africa Forum on Green Investment on 23 April 2021, after a month of talks between African and European countries about the green transition and investment. The event will consist of around 25 online Green Talks, transmitted from capital cities on the two continents.

This forum will bring together representatives of government and business, international financial and development institutions, civil society and academe, showcasing a range of perspectives on sustainable development and green investment. It will be an opportunity to share experiences and innovative approaches to mobilising private and public capital to support the green transition in Africa and Europe, showing how a green and sustainable business model can be profitable, create jobs and wealth, whilst also helping the world to achieve its climate goals.

Topics covered will include:

  • the role of the EU and its Member States in curbing climate change across the world, with a focus on Africa
  • how international financial institutions are responding to this challenge through targeted, innovative instruments and enhanced outreach
  • how private sector models are changing to become greener and more sustainable.

The Portuguese Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, and the EIB President, Werner Hoyer, will jointly conduct the opening session.

The programme

More Information


On 17 March, the UfM Regional Research and Innovation Platform will host a Virtual Kick Off Consultation to chart a course for its future.

Bringing together members of the newly established Expert Group, as well as other key stakeholders from national contact points and relevant research institutions and organisations, the meeting will build on the UfM’s longstanding commitment for an effective Euro-Mediterranean regional cooperation agenda.

The kick-off event for the consultation will open with introductions from UfM Platform Bureau co-chairs, Ms Nienke Buisman (DG Research and Innovation (RTD), European Commission) and Ms Rasha Smadi (HCST Jordan), as well as Itaf Ben Abdallah, UfM Secretariat and Senior Adviser on R&I.

Participants will discuss the horizontal integration aspects of the UfM R&I priorities, as well as the three Roadmaps/Theory of Change and Impact Pathways (TCIPs). Drafted by the Expert Group for mutual R&I cooperation development, these three roadmaps focus on the following priority areas: health, renewable energy and climate change.

The consultation process will also address the following issues: linkages between research and innovation, the major threats faced by research and development in the Mediterranean region, and how regional cooperation on science, innovation and development benefit local societies and contribute to a sustainable process.

The event is divided into two sections. First, members of the Expert Group commissioned by the UfM Platform to develop the Roadmaps will make short presentations on the state of play according to the three priority areas of Climate Change, Renewable Energies, and Health, including the Horizontal Approach to Crisis Management.

Following the presentations, invited participants will have the chance to make their preliminary remarks and ask any questions on the overall stakeholder consultation including the objectives and clarifications on how to contribute.

After registration, participants will receive the final agenda and the information to connect to the seminar a few days before the event.

The UE Programme COST is organizing an online awareness day for the Near Neighbour Countries´ Research Communities on the next 11th March 2021.

The 2-hour event is designed to explain the rationale of the COST Programme and participation options in COST Actions.
Speakers will highlight the most relevant information allowing successful participation in COST Actions’ activities.


  • Welcome words, COST Association
  • Introduction to the COST Programme, COST Association
  • COST international cooperation approach, COST Association
  • What is a COST Action and how to get involved in it?, COST Association
  • Benefits of participating in a COST Action, COST Action participants from COST NNCs
  • Q&A session

Zoom link: https://cost-eu.zoom.us/j/82770337134

Further information here: https://www.cost.eu/events/cost-awareness-day-nnc-research-communities/

The Mauritanian Group of senior officials of the 5+5 Dialogue, co-chairing with Italy the 2019-2021 session of the dialogue, has a new President, namely Professor Cheikh Saad Bouh Camara. Mister Camara, Professor of sociology and economic history at the Faculty of Humanities, is the new President of the University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya (UNA). He replaces Professor Ahmedou Haouba who has retired. Prof Haouba has spent six years as a member of the 5+5 Dialogue senior officials group committee for Mauritania. During his participation in various sessions held in Rabat, Madrid, Tunis, Rome and Nouakchott, Professor Haouba has shown appreciable human and interpersonal qualities. On behalf of the whole 5+5 Dialogue senior officials group, we are pleased to welcome Prof. Camara into the group and wish Prof Haouba a rich and fulfilling retirement.

New call for participants! Training-of-Trainers “Effective management and sustainable development of fisheries resources and aquaculture”.

This activity aims to build a shared advanced scientific knowledge and create a common methodological ground for high-skilled experts on Blue Growth in the Western Mediterranean Region in promoting sustainable exploitation of the water resources such as small-scale fisheries and aquaculture. The Training program tackles issues related to the development and sharing of tools for effective management and sustainable development of fisheries resources; research and application of new approaches to fisheries management; as well as considering the environmental aspects and lack of regulation of the high seas fisheries sector for migratory species. The Training course is related to the following modules: 

  • Policies and Aquaculture Management
  • Policies and Fisheries Management
  • Biodiversity & Non-indigenous species (NIS) 
  • Aquaculture

Due to the covid-19 virus outbreak and current restrictions on mobility, the training will be offered in a series of live webinar sessions and four documentary videos related to fisheries and aquaculture will be shared with participants.

Venue: online

Lead: ISPAB - Higher Institute of Fishing Technologies and Aquaculture of Bizerte (Tunisia)

Dates: 7 - 10 December 2020

Apply here! Registration deadline is on Novemeber 22, 2020.

The complete call for participants is available at this link. and the programme agenda here.

For further information about the Deep Blue project visit: http://bluegrowth.inogs.it/deepblue

The Workshop “Dialogue for action and Brokerage in West Africa” will take place virtually on 28th -29th of October 2020.
This event will be promoted and organized by KEF and GO AFRICA, in close collaboration with CIHEAM-IAMB, BLE, DLR, KINNO and CSIR-GH.

Strengthening Europe-Africa partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) and linking small businesses to existing research and innovation hubs, to test solutions with research funding opportunities and to fuel innovation, are the main objectives of the event.

The event will be divided in four thematic sessions and will involve farmers’ associations, research institutions, donors and policy makers. Special attention will be dedicated to 25 young innovators (previously selected through a specific “call for innovative ideas” carrying their solutions to mitigate the socio-economic and environmental impacts of pandemics on FNSSA.

Register online here!

For updates and further information, visit www.leap4fnssa.eu.

The Deep Blue project aims at developing skills, building capacities, and enhancing the geopolitical dialogue in the western mediterranean region through increased international scientific cooperation (science diplomacy). It focuses on the main concerns related to the sustainable blue growth in the marine environment, such as the development and sharing of tools for monitoring and assessing environmental impacts of specific maritime activities and the use of marine spatial planning through the ecosystem-based approach.

The #7 newsletter index has been published recently and is composed by the following news:

  • Let’s start again! Deep blue project activities have been relaunched after a stop due to the covid-19 pandemic situation
  • The state of the art: we added six months!
  • The crossborder online traineeship a new formula and a new challenge
  • Deep blue study visit: an online participation to the european science open forum (esof2020) in trieste
  • Forthcoming: the online training of trainers coordinate by the tunisian institute for fishery and aquaculture based in bizerte
  • New edition of the second level university master in sustainable blue growth: the call for new students is now open!

Check this out on Mailchimp or available in pdf here!

Further info about the project on the website: http://bluegrowth.inogs.it/deepblue