The kick-off meeting organized by the EMFF took place in Brussels at the EASME premises on January 29th.
The partnership composed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, OGS (Italy), University of Sfax - Department of Life Sciences, US (Tunisia) Polytechnic University of Madrid - Centre For Support For Technological Innovation, UPM CAIT (Spain) and the Higher Institute of Fishing Technologies and Aquaculture, ISPAB (Tunisia) received the grant for the project: "Developing Education and Employment Partnerships for a Sustainable Blue Growth in the Western Mediterranean Region" (DEEP BLUE).
22 new sustainable blue projects have been selected for funding by the European Commission under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
104 companies from 22 countries will share €15.1 million.
The call was divided into 4 strands. The biggest share goes to Demonstration and market projects (almost 9 million).
Blue networks and Fighting marine litter will share € 2.3 million for each strand.
One project was selected in the strand Restoring ecosystems and will receive €1.5 million.
What's next? Stay tuned!
More information: https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/news/european-commission-invest-145-millio...
About the project: https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/deep-blue-developing-education-and-employm...