The 5+5 Dialogue in Nouakchott
The 5+5 Dialogue Group of Senior Officials - GSO will soon gather in Nouakchott under the Mauritanian presidency.
During the 3th and 4th of December 2019, the University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya (Mauritania) wil host the 8th Group Senior Officials (GSO) Meeting of the 5+5 Dialogue for Research, Innovation and Higher education within the western Mediterranean region.
The delegates from Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia will discussed about the implementation steps of the current work plan approved in Roma in June 2019 for the biennium 2019-2021.
The opening ceremony will be introduced by the Mauritaniana Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Information and communication technologies (MESRSTIC).
Representatives from the partners institutions (Arab Maghreb Union, Union for the Mediterranean and European Union) are invited to participate in the meeting.